
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You Want Fair?

          Fair? What the hell does that mean? It’s a word that has come into use to replace equal, a word communist use, they think everyone should be equal, I mean, it’s only fair… (?)  After all, our own constitution say’s, ‘all men are equal,’ but just like bible thumpers, they leave out, ‘under the law.’ Now don’t get me wrong… I love the constitution, I think it is the greatest government document ever written, but it is not the bible!!! And nowhere in the bible does it mention all men are created equal, nor does it refer to the idea of fair.

          To think we are equal is folly, (to lie to one’s self), and yet we buy into such crap on a daily bases, never really thinking about it. Right off the bat, we don’t look alike, we have tall people, short people, pretty people, ugly people, fat people, skinny people, white folks and black folks, those who can sing, and those who have to carry a tune in a bag, we have leaders, and we have workers and we have everything in between!!! Do we want the workers leading the county, and leaders doing the work? Do we want those who sing like the neighbors dog, singing to us? I ask you? I challenge you to think about it.

          But some people make to much money…!!! I have never had someone put a gun on me and say give me your money. No, I usually take my money willing to them and ask for what they are producing, because I want it. If I limit how much money that person can make, then how long is he going to produce what I WANT!!!

          If a person is a visionary, then he is going to try and bring his vision about, thus creating work for the workers, but if I put the worker in charge, because it’s only fair, then tell me, what will I have? Think about it, Stagnation and coffee breaks. Come on, be honest with yourself, don’t believe me…. Think about it…!!!.

          But what about all those sad stories out there, those poor ole folks who can’t make it, or this, or that, but what about??? Well I have sad story too, but I don’t go around bragging about it, mine story is sadder than yours, oh my, piss and moannn… It’s become a cultural pass time, the problem is, we believe all this crap because it moves us emotionally, well so does music and movies and bloody soap operas… STOP, get off the emotional Farris Wheel and bloody think about it…!!!

          I know; I can hear you now!!! Well, it’s not that simple… But, yes it is. But that’s not fair!!!! If you want fair!!! Go to a baseball game, when the ball is hit, crack!!!!! It is either fair, or foul… That simple. ©