
Friday, March 22, 2013

A trip down the Grand Canyon

I had a dear friend of mine call me down on some information I submitted to her. She pointed out a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing," as the Alexander Pope saying goes.  Or "A small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking; they are more expert than they really are."

She has learned her lessons well, and I agree with her. But she made me think… She always does…

So let me point out here… I am not a scientist. The information (via youtube-videos) I intend to convey in coming posts, most closely parallels my thoughts and ideas. Ideas I have spent a lifetime compiling. I do not always agree with everything you will see in these posted videos, because I do not own these videos, I did not create these videos, so I had no control over the content. But… They do parallel my way of thinking.

I do not ask you to believe them, I ask instead, take the time to watch them, and consider for yourself, what they are saying.

The view of the Universe, as has been taught for better than 150 years, is a circular reason.  The trouble is, they can’t seem to bring it full circle. This is where all the wild theory’s come from. They come, and they go.  They can’t seem to close the circle.

They speak of the big bang, and as it goes, it will one day all return to the state before it went bang and go bang again. A cycle, a circle..

They think it has to be this way, why? Because a God isn’t necessary, and exercises no control over it.  It is, what it is.
(and they ignore the question, “Where did ‘what it is,’ come from?”)

But if they follow the numbers, the universe had a beginning, and will one day come to an end, or burn itself out, (you burn all the gas in your car, it quits running). The trouble with this view is, it calls for a God, and a creation. If they acknowledge God, were does that leave them?

Now it seems to me, we as Christians acknowledge God, and claim to know him through his holy scriptures… Right??? Or do we?

What is propaganda? It is mis-leading information disguised as News, Education…Truth. Hitler realized if you repeat something enough it becomes the truth in the minds of those who consume it.

If any of you Christians have bought into the idea of deep time and evolution… Then your foundation has shifted from that of our country’s fore-fathers, and are we not fighting the result of that shift today? We act like there isn't really a God, and we act this way because we have bought, subconsciously…    into deep time.

Please view the following video… and take a closer look at your foundation… “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.”  

This is the only reasonable explanation… It’s the only one that truly adds up, it’s what the facts say… And ‘They’ (The enlighten, the culture), are trying to hide it…  Why? Because they’d have to change their ways….

They have gone to a lot of trouble, did lots of research and wrote lots of papers, all? To disprove God. But in the end, all they did was uncovered his finger print.

God told us exactly how he did it. Look at the universe, and consider this God…. The bible is not only a remarkable history of early man, and then the Hebrews. It speaks to every generation. Our understanding of the universe is just now reaching the point where, yes, God told us how he did it. Not only that, he brags on it… And it’s something to brag about, look at it. So yes, all the great miracles can be explained through nature.   Nature is the right hand of God.

Did not Jesus call the wind and sea to task? So natural explanations should not tell us there is no god, instead the numbers tell us, and Jesus having called the wind and sea to task, that when the earth begins to rumble, perhaps we should take notice. 

Without changing any of the facts… Lets add this (man’s numbers) up according to what the bible says, and see how closely it fits… And see if it don’t scare ya a bit….

The very bedrock of the US Constitution’s is… “In the beginning, God Created the Heavens and the Earth.” And without this foundation, it will not stand.

Consider, with the idea of evolution and deep time, am I not like a god? I am the top of the food chain; I have conquered all, and cause it to bend to my desire… I am a god…

But with Creation… There is God…. Therefore we are not. And everything we build goes to his credit… That simple… We are but humble creatures… And the more we learn about this creation, the more humble we should become. For compared to God, we ain't squat.

Okay, compared to God, we are but dust in the wind, but compared to one another, “I have just as much right to be here as you do.” And from this argument came the US Constitution.  But without this foundation, its god eat god… Rome crumbled with gods eating gods.

As we go along… Keep in mind; many of these videos are lectures, not main stream. But, listen to their credits; these people are not crack-pots. They know what they’re talking about. You have to separate the facts, from the opinion, but listen to what they have to say, look at the facts, and consider it for yourself.

This will be a little like a ‘Missouri Show Me. I’m going to show you, with physical evident, what our fore-father’s believed.

Let us start our little adventure with a trip down the Grand Canyon

And this is an interesting fellow…

George Henry Nichols