
Friday, June 23, 2023

Beating up the Tar Baby


One of the things I’ve noticed about the common republican, is how good we are at whipping ass on the tar baby. Each one of us has our favorite, and we can argue it, and make a case for what is right and decent.

Yes, these issues need to be met with truth, and our neighbor needs to be educated on them. But we are never going to win, unless we realize these are just ‘Tar Babies.’ And our enemies don’t really care about them; they argue to keep us busy. There is an ole saying, ‘Barking dogs don’t bite,’ so they keep us barking. We have to wake up to the fox, hiding there in the wood, licking his chops waiting for his moment. Its time to quit barking at the fox, and bite him.

Now within our system, both Democrat and Republican there is an element of evil, not just wrong thinking, but evil. (That’s why there was a Tea Party) Now many of us in from the Tea Party claim to be Christians, as am I. As followers of Christ, let us examine the first commandment;

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shall have no other Gods before me.

Now let us carry this to its logical conclusion, by revealing himself to us as the one true God, we are by default empowered, because we now know who God is, which in turn brings peace of mind. Empowered because we understand that we answer to no one except God, my very being dictates that. Therefore you cannot enslave me because I belong to the one true God, and I cannot serve his greater Glory if I am enslaved. Nor shall I be molested nor led astray because God has shone me the way, and no other, regardless of rank can change that which God has put in place, thus God gives me rank over the wicked. If I can adhere to this teaching, I am granted purpose and meaning in my life, to seek and serve him who has created and revealed himself to me.

If we are, who we say we are, then we have authority over the wicked. So let us quit beating up the Tar Babies, and turn our energies to setting things right. Either we believe in American Law or we don’t. We, as Americans write our own Laws, or we don’t. Let us hold the Banner of the Lord before us, and do what needs to be done.

George Henry Nichols

Food, Sleep & Sex


Food, Sleep and sex, the three basic motivators. Think about that. Now think about the Democrat Campaigns.

We care about you, Food stamps, welfare, Obamacare, Prescription Drugs, Housing? Sounds like food and sleep to me. (?)

Abortion, rubbers, sex education and the demand for free birth control, (by college students). (?) Sounds like sex to me…

If you do not provide these three for yourself and those you care for, than you are not sovereign. It’s that simple.

Now you may think ‘these are not my motivators’. But you are successful, and these three you provide, giving you time and opportunity to embrace higher causes…. But not everybody thinks like you.

And do be mistaken, these are the three motivators, and the herd follows, the food, sleep and sex.

Quit beating up the tar baby, they are never going to concede, why? Because of what motivates them. And you know what motivates them, because that’s what Democrats are selling.

Me and you both know, if we are Sovereign People (We the People), than food, sleep and sex is none of the federal government’s business.

Think about it.

George Henry Nichols