
Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Observation #423 Male and Female


Everyone is really overthinking male and female. Ain't neither of you happy, male or female. And you're not going to be happy as long as you're bucking the truth. You can't go against what it true, and be happy, you just can't, man has spent his entire history proving that. So pay attention, if you want to be happy (an overrated word, the word is content), you have to work within the parameters of truth. You can not expect me to accept, nor tolerate something which isn't true.

Now take a moment, and listen to what we are speaking of. ..... Male and Female....(say it out loud). Male and Female. Has a nice ring to it. Don't you think...? Kind of poetic. . God created them Male and Female....... That statement alone... Think about that.....???? Male and Female..... Seems to me that infers, or perhaps even implies.... That one is not complete without the other. ...and the two shall be as one flesh... Hummm...... isn't this what we find in nature.... Isn't this the truth...? One is not complete without the other. Well duhhh.....

Quit over thinking it...... Screw your feelings...! Feelings lie..! Screw what other people think...!! People lie...!!! You know the truth. Quit trying to be something you're not. ...Think about this.... If one is not complete without the other.....(?????) Than you are different.... Hummm...... Seems your functions would be different... Hummm.... Quit expecting otherwise. You are male and female, you are different. To be jealous of one another is folly ( to lie to one's self and believe it).... God provided to each their own, in a wide variety. There are butch women and frail men, get over it, you are who God made you. Quit believing all the lies, quit judging each other and just look at each other.... God made you pleasing to one another... in different ways..... Explore what God as done..... and quit over thinking it. Good grief people this is basic, the foundation. Without this, you have nothing. Is there even a mating dance anymore..? Every generation had a mating dance, or two, or three. Earliest one I know of is the Minuet... Yeah, I'm a little old.... but I've picked up a few things along the way. ....and one of them is.....'and God created them Male and Female.' ....and it's a beautiful thing, and that's just the way it is.

George Henry Nichols

Friday, November 15, 2024

Observation #419


You know, one makes observations as one goes through life, you can't help but gather information as you go along. I want to talk about one of those things.....

There is a granite monument at 23rd and Boulevard in Galveston, sitting right atop the seawall. I grew up with it, it was there before I was around.... I am told it was put there in 1923, so this year it will be 100 years old, that is to say, it was cut into shape a hundred years ago. Now they will tell you that granite is millions of years old, maybe billions.... Granite is number seven on the hardness scale, granite pretty tough stuff.

When I was a kid, we (the family) went on an Indian hunt... We were looking for one particular dead Indian., as a result we went though a lot of cemeteries, looked at a lot of tombstones. There is one cemetery behind the Mobile, Alabama Library that goes back to the first French settlement in the mid 1700's. Some of those tombstones were granite..... Remember I said Mobile, Alabama. It's on the bay, on the gulf, it's mud, there ain't no granite. Somebody had to go find a granite outcropping, and quarry it, and haul it to Mobile, for a tombstone, in the 1700's, (just a side note I found interesting). Let's just say I've seen lots and lots of tombstones, of all different ages....

The granite monument there in Galveston has worn down to the point, in a hundred years, they had to renew it so it would remain readable. The ones behind the library in mobile, you can't read at all, you can make out writing, but you can't read it. They are only three-hundred years old... In three hundred years, that granite has worn down to the point you can't read the inscription. Make that six-hundred years..? A million years...? A hundred million years...? Really..? Seems to me that tombstone would be gone. Dust in the wind. Yet you look at the mountains, you see jagged edges, you see sharp ridges, you see steady landslides.... What you don't see is anything that looks like millions of years. Other than the plant growth (another topic), most of it looks rather fresh.

If science is going to lie to us, and tell us fairy-tales so they look smart, you would think they would be smart enough to tell a story that looks like what we see.

As an Over-the-Road Driver, I have seen this country from sea to sea, corner to corner. None of it looks millions of years old, in fact in looks like it was laid out with beauty in mind. If one knows anything of beauty, it is awe inspiring. It is almost as if it was laid out by hand. An ongoing painting, in motion with day and night. A creation that creates. In many places signs of the great flood are obvious and they are everywhere, once you notice them. There are great oddities, like the Delaware Water Gap, something that really isn't possible, yet there it is, and you can drive through it, truly a signature of the artist.

I remember the first time I saw the Grand Canyon, I knew instantly, this is a big ole wash out. This happened very quickly and involved a lot of water. A lot of water...!!! Yet, there is room for two huge lakes above it, I've driven through them, indeed they look like lake bottoms, No millions of years there, just a real big ole wash out, and two empty lakes. It's obvious.

So don't tell me millions of years, I wasn't born yesterday, and by the light of Christ, I can see. Anyway, that's my rant, I'm just so sick of science lying and avoiding the truth. Teaching their lies to the kids, and testing them on it. It's crap, it's all crap.

George Henry Nichols

November15th,   2024

PS – I'm not really in a bad mood, just a rant.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

My take on Election 2024


Okay, now that some of the dust has settled. I have a few observations and a question are two.

I am retired, and I watched this election, I watched it on NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, News Max, Epoch Times, Shy News, The Daily Wire, ect...ect...ect...

Now I believe in Language, and it can take many forms, linguistics, math, visual art, music. Now two of these languages are very exacting, linguistics and math. Numbers & math symbols mean things so that an exact idea can be communicated. Words mean things, just like numbers, words add up to communicate an exact idea. Now if a word is misused, just like a number, it conveys a lie. An ole saying, watch your p's and q's.

Okay, with that said – How is it Harris got 69 million votes..? Seems to me, there was an awful lot of voter fraud going on, which needs to be uncovered now, and exposed to the light. “Or..!!"
There are 69 million stupid people in this country. I find that hard to comprehend. Now I know we have our stupid people and I know many are high profile. Too many are news readers, who claim to be journalist, I don't know who's writing the news. Many are rich celebrities from the entertainment industries, but all you have to do is listen to them and know they're stupid. Then there is the nosy groups chasing false gods, pretty obvious they're stupid. But 69 million..? Really..? If this is true, we have a serious problem on our hands. Stupidity multiplies and wrecks havoc. We need to take a hard look at our education system, maybe close it down and start over. We need to question our so-called experts who are no more than high paid lairs. We need to, at a fundamental level, return to what is true, for only on truth can one build.

George Henry Nichols

November 10th, 2024