
Friday, August 3, 2012

Liberals & Evolution, The Fatal Flaw

    I would like to point one of the fallacies in liberal thinking. The idea of moral relativity, which basically states there is no morality. This idea is first void of god and rooted in the idea of evolution, that the earth itself is alive and we only a part of the overall whole.

    So where do we begin, well, what motivates a man? There are three things, food, sleep and sex. That’s it! Food, sleep and sex. The same things that drives all the mammals, food, sleep and sex. What is it we study about the animals, their eating habits, their sleeping habits, and their mating habits, oh, and how they raise their young, the maternal instinct, which is another motivating force, unique to the female. So the man is driven by food, sleep, sex and the female is driven by food, sleep, sex and the maternal instinct, the desire to pro-create and care for the young.

    Most of the animal kingdom is hard wired to know pretty much what they need to know in order to survive and pro-create within a particular environment, this according to the theory of evolution. You are your environment, you are what you eat. For the most part, its sounds good at its foundations, but there is a glaring problem with it, the Being, in human being, the one thing that makes us different from the rest of the animal kingdom. (the very hard fact that we are self aware of our existences.)

    This is a very difficult thing to deal with. Why, because it defies evolution. Evolution can not explain the being. What is the being? The ability to think? The ability to reason? What is reason? Aren’t philosophies built on reason? The Greeks, the Romans, the English.

    The being seems to manifest itself at a place in the mind where activity of the gray matter meets language. There is something going on in your mind, your gray matter, you know it, you’re not sure what it is until it surfaces in the form of language. Now that language may be linguistics, art, music or math, but its language, just the same, all of which can be written so as to be recorded.

    It is this gift of language which allows us to organize our thoughts and ideas in our minds, and with a common language among others, can share these thoughts and ideas, with others, in a detailed manner.

The being (self-awareness) also manifests itself through the exercise of its will. The will, what is the will, and how do we know it exist? When the gray matter comes to life in language, and makes a decision contrary to the way you, (the animal), feels about something and you (self-aware) act on that decision, that action, is the manifestation of your will. The human being is the only creature which can act contrary to the way it feels, (understand any action by the human is an act of will, but it becomes apparent when the action is contrary to the way one feels). Evolution cannot explain this.

But what makes us beings? The very fact that we know we be. That is to say, we are aware of ourselves and our surroundings and we ask why? (To clarify, to be, means only to exist, the computer at which I write this essay has being same as I. I be, it be (s) I refer to myself as a being because I am aware of my existence, the computer is not).

Why doesn't the computer know it existent...? Because we equate it with a rock. That is to say, it is a pile of atoms. A fancy pile of atoms, but a pile of atoms. That's all it is.... The animals are a very fancy pile of atoms, a pile of atoms just the same. No matter how fancy and complicated the pile is, it's still a pile of atoms. It is (they) are not going to be self-aware, they are not going to be mind, they will not have the ability to ask why.

The ability to ask why. The ability to act contrary to the way we are hard wired? Why would evolution bring forth such a creature? If you look at the theory, and the things that drive it, you are your environment, you are what you eat, survival of the fittest. So on and so forth. Doesn’t add up. The law of averages states, ‘it is more likely for something to occur, which has occurred before, than it is for something to occur which has never occurred. That is to say, man is out of place in evolution. Why would evolution produce a creature which would turn on evolution itself and act contrary to the hard-wire, (feelings)?

But on the other hand, if we are indeed just a product of evolution, then how can we pollute the earth? How can we possibly do, other, than what we are suppose to be doing? It is not possible. Remember the law of averages, either we are doing what we are suppose to be doing, or we are contrary to evolution, and if this be the case; why?

So you see, the idea that we do damage to the earth goes against the idea of moral relativity and against the very core of who the liberal says he is. (Most liberals are unaware of this flaw because they, themselves have never thought about it). The liberal has stolen the idea of moral authority from the Christian community and is using it against them in the form of Self-Righteousness. So right at the core of the liberal there is contradiction.

There is either Right and Wrong, or there is not. If there is, it is not for man to determined, but the creator of the whole, for he is the why.

George Henry Nichols

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