This essay may seem a little strange, and perhaps on a subject
many may see as taboo. Girls. Or girf’s as Carly Shaw would say.
This essay is going to be long, with a number of videos. I
request that you view the videos, even if they bore you, hopefully by the end
they won’t. Try your best to view them with an opened mind and an open heart,
without judgment on what they are wearing or not wearing, or how they move. I
did not shoot these video’s, I did not choose the dress, pick the music or lay
out the choreography. Some I choose to make a point, others just for the
Anyone who has viewed my profile knows I am a Catholic, and as a
Catholic it is impossible for me to have such a discussion without God being
the foundation and fabric of the whole. I do not claim to speak for the Church,
nor do I represent this essay as teachings of the Church. Instead, with the
teachings of my mother and the actions of my father and a reflection of what I
have been taught as a Catholic, these are my conclusions.
So in order to lay foundation for an honest talk about girls, we
must get an idea of who the woman
Let us start at the beginning. (1-26) God
created man in his image; in the divine image he created them; male and female
he created them. Now it is obvious that he did not create us equal, he created
us male and female. But, as to the authority bestowed upon them. Dominion over
the birds of the air, the fish in the sea, and all the things that relate to
this, he gave to man and woman both. Now I feel the first story of creation was
told to make it clear to the reader that God created everything and that he
created it from nothing, that is to say, he willed it, and so it was. I think
he used the format of seven days because he wanted man to keep track of time, a
format we use to this day. Why do you suppose he wanted us to keep track of

This is a destiny you cannot escape, make
friends with it, this is not the way it was meant to be, but this is the way it
is! Notice, what do you see, the name of the person and the day they were born
and the day they died. Time!!! Your life is made of time!!
Now let us take a look
at the second story of creation, (2-18) I feel this story of creation is to
make it clear to the reader that we were made
personally by God, regardless of what we may learn about the earth and it’s
history, mankind was created personally. Now if you listen to the story,
‘remember; words mean things,’ God is the creator and therefore outranks man,
(the creation can not out rank the creator), and if you follow the logic of the
story, woman is a gift from God to man. Therefore, equal in spirit, but as
human beings a man outranks his wife, not women, his wife (a gift can not out
rank the recepeant). But, don’t fret
about this idea that your husband outranks you; God knows what he is doing.
Now, where does a gift from
God belong? And should it be respected? Remember, this gift is very likely as
smart as you are, and perhaps at times even smarter.
Remember from the story,
you (the male) are made of clay, she on the other hand, is made of flesh and
bone. Right there is a huge difference, which I believe explains a lot about
the nature of a woman, to include the sixth sense, which I believe women have,
and in recent generations, have been cheated of.
Now, let us take a look
at some of things we know.
What did God write about woman, (Proverbs 31-10). Seems God thinks woman to be
of great value, considering the great value she brings to her husband. And
everyone knows ‘A man is King of his Castle – But a woman rules the roost’.
What else do we know,
well we know the Angles have addressed men throughout the bible, and always in
such a way that would led you to believe Angles outrank men. Example, When the
Angle Gabriel came to Zechariah to announce the birth of John, Zechariah
rebuffed him and said, ‘I am an old man, my wife an old woman, how can this
be?’ And if you remember, Gabriel became indignant and struck Zechariah dumb,
saying in effect, ‘ who do you think you are! You doubt me, Gabriel, who stands
in attendance of God, you crummy little human being,’ Zappp!!! He’s dumb, for
nine months, until the child (John the Baptist) was born, and Zechariah’s first
words after nine months were,’ and his name will be called John.’ Yes, Angles
outrank human beings.
But let us consider how
that same Angle, Gabriel, addressed Mary when he came to announce the birth of
Jesus. “Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among
women”. Now who sounds like they are of higher rank? Mary? I think so. The only
human being I know (outside of Jesus) who outranks Angles. Why? Because she is
the Queen of Heaven. By default of who she is, she is the mother of Jesus, and if
Jesus is King and unmarried, then by default, his mother is Queen. Now think
about this, if we are going to believe that we are children of God, then by default,
the women are Princesses. Think about that.
You Catholics, consider for one moment what an absolute joy it
must have been to know Mary, the Mother of God as a girl. That’s right, God’s
own Mother, the Queen of heaven started as a girl.
Now, if you read my
essay, “Yes, I a male chavinist,’ I show how this manifest itself in our lives
and the structure of culture.
My mother liked being a woman, she like the power that came with
it, and she knew how to use it. Once when I was about five years old, mom wanted
a new refrigerator, but dad insisted the old one ran fine. So mom, knowing dad,
instead of arguing with him, painted the old refrigerator bright gold, I got to
help. It looked grand. Being sixty now and looking back, I’ll bet it was a
monstrosity and shortly after that, we had a new refrigerator. Mom knew what
she was doing.
Now where do such women come from? Women on whom you can build a
great culture, like the Greeks, the Romans, the English?
They come from girls. My mother loved being a girl, she told me
all about it, and the great joy that is was. This is key; if women are the
gift, then girls are the joy. Girls (created in the likeness and image of Almighty
God) are the joy of the world, no
if’s, no ands, no buts.
This paper began with stirrings in my gray matter about 1994, I
was well into my forties, running a store in a Mexican flea market. I always
had a color TV for sale, and of course it was always tuned to Univision because
of who was looking at it.
I came in one morning and turned on the TV and this is what I
‘El Club de los Tigritos’ (Ruge)
A strange thing happened, I was entertained. My spirits were
lifted and I felt good about the world. I don’t even speak Spanish. I wasn’t
sure why I was entertained, my first response was, ‘you’re a dirty old man if you
like this,’ but yet, I’m not, that wasn’t it. But the truth is; I was
entertained. I became a fan of the show and during its run, not only was I
entertained; I studied it carefully in an effort to understand why I was entertained.
As time went on and I continued to watch the show, the things my
mother had tried so hard to teach me began to emerge. Things we use to
celebrate in earlier generations.
This is from the generation who fought and won WWII. There was
always room for the girl and time to admire her and appreciate her. After all,
she is the bud that will become the flower, and then a brick in the cultural
If you ever saw the movie, ‘Meet me in St.
Louis,’ then you know it was a romance, but the
sheer joy in the movie was provided by Margret O’Brian. She lifts the spirits
and heightens the emotional character of the entire film, simply because of who
she was, the girl.
Now if God is our foundation and fabric, then we can’t over look
Satan. If Christ is real, than Satan is real. Why does Satan hate the human
race so much and is determined to destroy it? Because Christ offered us a path
to redemption, an offer unavailable to the fallen angels, Satan is already
defeated and doomed along with his cohorts.
So Satan is envious of our redemption, but also of our physical
being and the reality which goes along with it. We have the joy of being
spiritual beings as well as human beings. There are many pleasures available to
us which are directly related to the physical reality, like eating, drinking,
sleeping, smell, touch, sex and most important, a foundation on which we ourselves can create, the earth and all
that’s in it.
Christ said, ‘With man, nothing is possible, but with God all
things are possible.’ Has this not proven to be so? Any and everything we have
though up, we find what is necessary to make it so, right here in this abundant
creation of God’s.
And what is this abundant creation? Contrast. Everything
contrasts everything else. You can’t have day without night, you can’t have
black without white. Happiness means nothing without sadness, struggle, grief. There
is no laughter if there is no crying. Without
despair, there is no joy. Without the male there is no female.
God created us with a balance, (and
the two shall be as one, (duhhh.. the children)), man who is made of clay, who
is hard, earthy, with his roots deep in the soil that supports him and yields
to him, and woman, who is made of flesh and bone, one who is soft, even
tempted, a willing servant, a peace maker, a foundation of creation herself, and
who can soften the clay and help mold it, care for it, comfort it and inspire
it. (She’s really quite the gift).
Now if Satan wants to destroy man, then he needs only to upset
this balance. If he can confuse and distort the identity of the man and the
woman, or remove woman from the picture, then
man will destroy himself. If Satan can steal the joy of the world, then
despair will fill that void.
This is just a little girl on the beach, observe her, this is
joy bubbling over onto the world around her. Look at her, she is the flower,
she wants to be look at and admired, her only desire, to be pleasing, it’s who
she is. She is made of flesh and bone.
The little boy on the other hand, will act silly and want
attention, but for the most part, wants to play in the dirt. It’s who he is…
Let the little boys play in the dirt and let the little girls, be girls.
If you take a close look at what you’ve built, the woman is
behaving so much like a man, and so many men acting like girls, how can you
tell the different?
Your toys are so abundant and so fascinating, you don’t see each
other anymore, you don’t see your kids, you’re staring into a computer, television
or a phone. You are distracted.
The beauty of the mating dance, regardless of culture or era,
was immortalized in literature. I don’t even see one anymore? How do boys and
girls get together? What? With all the cops, lawyers, suits, right down to the
first grade, ‘Johnny Kiss me and I’m going to sue!’
Everybody’s a dirty old man; you can’t even look at a girl. One
false move and you are labeled. It is dangerous to enjoy a girl, who does this
sound like to you? If not Satan. Who would want them ignored and shunned,
molested and abused, left unattended out of fear to be overgrown and choked off
by weeds. To think only of the pleasure of sex, never considering the great
potential of creation there in your own hands. The sheer power she gives you,
that God gives you.
This following clip made for quite a stir, lots of people
yelling about how obscene this was. Child porn I heard it called. (So be
Let me tell you what I saw. I saw five beautiful little girls
give it their best shot. I saw hours worth of work and sore feet and hurt
feelings and gallons of tears, and after
all that suffering, they got up on that stage and dance that well, for me
(considering I’m the audience at this moment), and I ‘m going to say that’s
somehow nasty? Who do these people think they are? What are their true motives?
We started out in fig leaves, they’re girls, that’s who they
are; they are the joy of the world.
If all you saw was sex, if you thought that was somehow nasty,
then Satan has stolen your joy. Because what was actually on that stage was the
future, the buildings blocks of a nation, showing you with all their sinew,
their beauty, their strength, their ability to work with others, their ability
to learn, to count, to understand music, to communicate. Do you think joy is hollow? Joy from God
is never hollow. You speak about the depths of despair, have you forgotten the
heights of joy? Look at what’s right in front of you.
Jackie Evancho Again, with an open mind and an open heart, if
you let her, she’ll reach right into you. Please watch the entire video.
The last time I posted this, they pulled the video, its back, so
type Jackie Evancho, 10 (classical crossover
singer) ~ America's Got Talent
YouTube Special into your youtube engine,
and you’ll find it. I do not want to offend this girl, this is a great performance.
Not only does she have the voice of an angel, consider all the
practice, all the heartache, all the tears and suffering that went into that
moment. Notice how well she stood there and accepted the praise and admiration,
how honest she was, and even when she bust into tears and cried for the world
to see, she held her ground gracefully. She was ten. Rare is the occasion I see
this kind of strength among my fellow men.
The bald guy said, ‘She’s a child?’ At the end the judges were
truly amazed, not only with her, but with the response of the audience. I have
to wonder why? Could it be because they ignore what’s right in front of them,
and when a girl makes it all the way to Big Brother, they are overwhelmed? Do they not understand who she is? The Joy of
the world. It’s on this kind of foundation you can build a great culture. This
clip goes a long ways to making my point. The great response to her was because
of the great joy she brought to them. A natural thing, something we should be
filled with. Instead we are filled with other people’s tragedies, the troubles
of the world, doom, despair and play with our distractions so we don’t think
about it.
Then something like this comes along, lifts
your spirits and makes you fell good about the world, and it feels strange,
somehow foreign, somehow??? and you change the channel.
Indeed she is foreign, she is from Russia.
The reason I choose a few foreign films was hopefully you would not speak the
laugange, girls don’t need laugange to be girls, they just are. Look at her,
let her sing to you, you’ll be amazed at what she communcates, joy will flow
from her. Remember that, when listening to a girl, words aren’t always
important. She has a sixth sense. You need only to get to know her.
Katya Ryabova
You have your boats (my weakness), trucks, guns, computers,
football, baseball and toys out your ass. That’s fine, but if you want to study
something, there is nothing more fascinating than a little girl. She will
entertain you, she will challenge you, she will make you think, she’ll puzzle
you, she’ll protect you and she’ll care for you like a sick puppy when you’re
down or old.
They will protect you, if you get to know your daughters, and teach
them, and cultivate them, they will fight to the death for you. That’s why you
send them away during times of battle or you take the war to your enemies, so
they don’t bring it home to your women, because they will get themselves killed
protecting you, and it is your duty to
protect what God gave you. Remember, you are made of clay, she of flesh and
bone, you are her rock, and she will
defend her rock to the death.
Priscilla ‘Cette Vie
These are the bricks on which you build a culture. Girls, not
some gender neutral equal partner. Do not judge her on what she’s wearing or
the sexy way she dances; consider instead the creature that is capable of doing
this. Yes she’s sexy, yes she’s young, she’s
a girl!!! Cultivate her, teach her, rear her, love her, support her, but
let her be a girl. Quit trying to change
nature, instead give them an outlet. Give the young a mating dance, give
them an avenue to get to know each other and appreciate each other. For if there
is to be freedom, there first has to be a reason, and you are so tangled in
your own tar babies (
so distracted by your toys, you have forgotten that reason. This gift from God is your reason. Think
about that, it’s nature; it’s the way God made it. Perhaps as many as 2,500 girls
a day are being sacrificed to Satan, he has you not only killing the joy of the world, but your reason to be free, and where there is
no reason, there is no will.
Christ said, ‘It would be better for a mill stone to be place
around your neck and you tossed into the sea, least you corrupt such as these.’
Referring to the children. Do not molest
them or corrupt them, instead appreciate them, admire them, protect them and
let them bring the ‘Joy of God’ into
your life.
Just a small town girl, at a small town festival; a beautiful
flower in the breeze.
Or a field exploding with color filling the air with the aroma’s
of spring.
AKB48 – ‘Baby, baby, baby.’
Consider if these are the building blocks, what a beautiful
cultural you could build.
You have already murder some twenty-seven million of your girls
since 1973 before they were even born. It
has to stop! Abortion has to stop! You will not have the blessings of the Almighty God as long as this
Consider for one moment if you
were God, and man was choosing to murder 2,500 of your girls every day, which ones would you let man keep?
Remember, your girls are only as good as you, and you only as
good as your girls. Embrace and kiss your wives and daughters and see them for
what and who they are. For God will abandon the country which abandons its
Jordan McCoy
Our father’s knew what I’m telling you, and went so far as to
tell stories to illustrate the point. One such story is Pollyanna, by Eleanor
H. Porter, here brought to life by Walt Disney.
If you
are so inclined, I think the entire movie is here, and is worth the watch. It
is the story of a little girl who transforms a community, preacher and all. ©
George Henry Nichols