However. Will say it again - "Never, NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the American people."
But, you also get what you ask for.
Well, at least the blacks won't be burning down all the cities as they threatened to do if he lost.
Tried not to think about it all day, it was difficult. Actually began to get physically sick. No, didn't cry but had many sessions of disgust. It was like losing a friend.
America is no longer the country I knew when visiting, its people strangers to be avoided.
Though my everyday life will continue over here, have made two vows (decisions which are irrevocable).
In short.
Never again will I step foot on USA soil. To me, it would be like stepping back say some thirty years into my grandfather's Ukraine when it was under old Soviet rule. His sad stories and harrowing experiences are now coming to life before my eyes in present day America. The "in-your-face" lies, corruption, deceit, control, loss of individuality, fear of government, media manipulation, corruption of the public education system (turning that institution into indoctrination centers), confiscation of property and personal freedoms, denigration of religion (a higher authority), pitting groups against groups, having as many people dependent on the largess of government, among numerous other adversities, were normal. Seems these are the "new" normal in USA.
The freedom loving nations and peoples of the world can no longer depend on America. In fact, it seems America has become their adversary.
I would not feel safe in the USA.
Unfortunately, I, also, now look at Americans in a different way. And it is not a pretty picture.
In addition, I cannot ever again be fooled by so-called experts (pundits), especially those on talk radio which I (used to) listen to such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, etc. The Republican Party (the loyal opposition) are idiots. No other word describes them better. And those "knowledgeable" phonies such as Dick Morris, Charles Krauthammer, Ann Coulter, Carl Rove et al. just love to hear themselves pontificate.
OK - don't want to write anymore.©
Please, do not write back with a pep talk. Am finished thinking about it. America deserves what it wants.
In lieu of all this, it would be ludicrous to ask you to watch all those videos I've been sending. They are, what, "farcical ??" You have other things to be concerned about and better use of your time. You don't believe all this stops here, do you?? In the society America has now become, every member of the "opposition" will be under scrutiny. That means, among others, members of the Tea Party. Everything you have uttered, blogged, twittered, or e-mailed will be examined. You may be cavalier about all this saying, "I've been investigated before, bring them on." They now have power and methods you wouldn't believe. And nobody (willing or able) to stop them. Take a lesson from history.
Another item. As with the patterns of the past, within a couple of years, Obama will be (figuratively) be raised toSainthood by his supporting media and followers.
Hope nobody does anything stupid.
Shake it off darling, this is my burden to bare. Even though what
you say hurts me deeply, you speak the truth. My Lord said, ‘seek the truth and
it shall set you free.’ So I neither deny nor turn away from what you say,
instead I embrace it as the truth and will tailor my battles as such.
As you say, I am disappointed and deeply sadden, but am not
surprized. You cannot murder your babies wholesale and expect the Lord not to
allow their revenge. And how corrupt can you become when mothers are capable of murdering their own children before they are even born. You cannot have a great
nation without great women, for they are the foundation on which man builds.
I lost respect for Ann Coulter a while back, never did care for
Hannity. Levin is a true patriot, Limbaugh is brilliant, but makes one huge
mistake, something I noticed a long time ago, he leaves God out of the picture,
and you can't do that. When you leave God out of the picture, it just doesn't quite ring true. (Remember, I said I was Catholic because I believe in the
authority, not because of the so-called catholic’s that surround me). And if
you have read my blog, then you understand that I do not leave God out of the
picture, and for this I will pay a price. As in the words of Patrick Henry,
‘give me liberty, or give me death.’
I have to continue to fight, it is my duty, I have no choice. To
not fight is not to be a man. To turn away is to be no more than another wolf
in the pack or sheep in the herd. I am neither. ©
Your Friend
George Henry Nichols

Now that is what I'm talking about. Gary hit the nail on the head. We just can not leave God out of the picture no matter what your faith is. We all need to put God back into the picture. Gary, say what needs to be said and I will for ever back you. Your loving Friend