
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Women A Lost Identity

Women; A lost identity…

Our women, you gals out there, have been lied to. No if’s, No and’s and No but’s.

In 1920 women won the vote.

With the help and encouragement of the Republican Party, in the late fifties and early sixties, the blacks became a voting force. What happened? The Democratic Party moved in, bought them off and turned them into a voting block.  Now, doesn't that kind of sum up the battle?

I reiterate, in 1920 Women won the Vote. Not the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party, Women. Who voted to give them the vote??? Hummm…??? Men… It was all men. Men who represented the men who ran this country. And who was it did this??? Women… Real, honest to God, women…  

Now don’t you think somebody would have moved in and tried to make you a voting block? But women have a sixth sense, and they can spot a scoundrel.

Then came the feminist, and instead of trying to buy you, they said ‘We will Empower you.’ And they did, by turning you into men, thus stripping you of all your power as a woman, (Including your sixth sense, which they told you was a myth).  The power that won women the vote…

Girls, girls everywhere; but too many men and not enough women.

You can’t change nature… But screw with it enough, and you’re extinct.

America, we need our women back, you are our reason and inspiration. You are why we want to be prosperous, you are why we are willing to fight, and in you we find our earthly motivation to be free.

Remember, it was woman who won the vote…

May God Bless you All…

George Henry Nichols

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