
Sunday, December 1, 2013

What to say?

What am I suppose to say… I write, I tell you… And it continues to crumble around you. It’s ‘Revenge of the Innocence…’ Mark my words…

This has nothing to do with politics… This has to do with right and wrong… My mother always said, “The path to hell is paved with good intentions,” and damn if she ain’t right… I am so tied of good intentions and do gooders,  I could urp!

It’s even in the Churches, political correctness has crippled the truth, you get a fiery good sermon, but mediocrity is the rule, ascetics and political correctness the practice.

To think the universe just is… Is like thinking you’re never going to die. It just ain’t so. Your reasoning is, “because time is in the universe, it itself is somehow timeless…” But the math points to a beginning and an end.” It’s everywhere… There is a chemical breakdown going on throughout the universe, one that can not be reversed or regenerated, as a result, the universe is like a candle, and will one day burn itself out. Poof! With no way of recovering the wax… It all went up in flames. And there will be eternal darkness and cold. No way around it. That’s what the math says. Now they theorize, pontificate and on and on about what they think…  and they stick in numbers and give you theories, for they are educated, and they know the numbers, the real ones, and the ones they made up…. or …’do they?’ The way things are made, “if it’s true here, than it’s true there.’ That is to say, if ‘2+2=4 than 4-2=2… ‘If it’s true there, than it’s true here.’ In other words, ‘a cold dark universe lies ahead.’

Now if we stick the biblical story into it. Adam sinned, and brought death into the world… And that’s what it meant, ‘into the world.’ Not only was Adam going to die, but the whole of it…(the universe) was going to die. Believe it or not, that’s what’s going on… That’s what we’re seeing. That’s what the math says.

Consider a fire in the backyard. You’ve got downed tree limbs, cutting from bushes, a pile of died out zinnias from the summer flower bed, and you have a nice little fire, and feed the flames one stick at a time. Soon, all that big pile is ‘gone!’ Where did it go? Up in flames… You have reduced that big pile to a tiny heap of ashes, and in time, that heap of ashes will be ambient temperature.

What do you think the sun is doing..? If it’s true here, than it’s true there.    ‘From ashes thou art…to ashes thou shall return…’

But what about the life cycle? What about it? We have now broken the DNA code, and what have we learned? There is no evolution, there is instead deterioration, the code is slowly but surely breaking down. Poof!  

Myths… funny thing about myths… There’re suppose to be made up? That is to say… not true… But there is a saying, ‘truth will stand the test of time.’ Greek Mythology…? “It’s mythology.” Then they find the city of Troy, and the story appears to be true. They find the site of Sodom and Gomorrah, and then Jericho; they have found the site of the Red Sea crossing, complete with chariots, ect…   So what’s true and what’s not? What about Atlantis? There’s a myth… comes out of the Greek mythology, Homer, Plato…

Then we have the myths of the dragons… Everybody’s got a dragon story, damn dragons are everywhere… Alexander the Great, Marco Polo, St George, who slay the dragon..?  Myth?

‘There is nothing stranger than truth.’ How many times have you heard this? That’s because it’s true… No single man can know or imagine the truth, so when a small bit of truth is revealed, it’s stranger than anything we thought.

Therefore the truly great stories are based on truth, because there is nothing more compelling than the truth… “Truth will stand the test of time.”

The flood of Noah’s day… Every ancient culture around the world starts at the end of a great flood, of which only they survived. Myth? Really? Every major culture? I believe the Chinese calendar may have begun at the end of the flood. If you take an honest look at the geological record, it screams global flood, a flood right around the beginning of the Chinese calendar.
Prier to the flood, the world was a whole different place… How different? I don’t know… But I do know, eight people spanned that flood in a boat… Those eight people saw it all… Those eight people were full blown adults when the flood occurred… Noah was the last strand of the true God handed down by Adam… Satan controlled man now, and corruption was consuming them…

Now let us consider; those eight people told their stories of the world prier to the flood, where they had spent their childhood and much of their lives. This I offer is ‘The Golden Age,’ and it was consumed by the sea… and so it was, right before their eyes, just like the stories say… and no one survived, save those few souls who told the story. The Golden Age is what God destroyed… A utopia, under Satan’s rule.

There is an old B movie called ‘Logan’s Run.’ Not really well done, terrible scrip, but it had a pretty girl in it and so I sat through it. That movie, through all these years has stuck with me.

Basically, it’s the story of a group of people who live inside a huge machine which provides for them. Makes them, grows them up… and then kills them. The cycle of life as seen by a computer… During the time you’re young adults, you can be and do anything you want, (except be a child or be old) when your time is up, your time is up. You’re dead. If you didn’t jump to your death like you’re suppose to, then ‘Logan hunts you down like a dawg and kills you on behalf of the computer. They made the world (as it was) look all hunky-dory, but void of any meaning, absent any purpose.. Well along comes ‘Logan’s’ turn to die… So he runs… and the hunter is being hunted… Well to make a long story short, he cracks the whole machine open and wa-la everyone is free with the discovery of a whole big world outside, how wonderful. (?) or so I thought… In the years since, I have watched you build just such a machine… Return to the Golden Age… Free of responsibility and free to be a jerk… Among the elite anyway.

Want to know what happened to the Golden Age? It’s the gas you put in your car, the oil you put in your engine, the plastics you wrap your food with… the coal you heat your home with and use to generate your lights… The diesel which plows our fields and brings our goods to market… This the world that was…

Satan wants you to long for the Golden Age; but he doesn’t want you burning the oil and coal, least you figure out where it came from… The more you study it, the more will be revealed… “The truth is stranger than fiction.” And all the while, the rebuilding of The Golden Age continues… at a fervor pace.

Satan has you by the balls people… as the new Golden Age rises. I not only speak to America, but to Russia, U.K. Ukraine, Japan, China and to anyone who read these words, Christ is your only hope. He was in the beginning, and he is now, and so it was, and so it shall be. 

George Henry Nichols

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Privateer

From the book
The Legend of Captain Outrageous

I must go down to the dock today, and watch the ship come in.
For its not just any ship, it’s the one which calls us friend.
He will bring us gold and bring us silver, and treasures from the east.
And for our Outrageous Captain, we will have to have a feast.

There will be a crowd at the dock today, to watch the ship come in.
There will be singing and dancing and merriment, and all will call him friend.
They will speak of the voyage and the dangers incurred and the crew which has no fear,
And they will speak in awe, of their Outrageous Captain, the famous privateer.

He will tell us stories of the pirates, and all the guts he spilled,
And he will speak of the Spanish ships he sacked, and all of those he killed.
He will speak of the heavy weather and how it tossed the ship about,
And the bravery of his crew, even the ones who got the gout.

He spends his gold and prepares his ship to make for the sea again,
For he knows his duty is to serve his King, and those who call him friend.
And when he goes among the ladies, you won’t find an eye without a tear,
For they all love their Outrageous Captain.  The Famous Privateer.


George Henry Nichols

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Paul Revere's Ride

Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, "If the British march
By land or sea from the town to-night,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
Of the North Church tower as a signal light,--
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country folk to be up and to arm."

Then he said "Good-night!" and with muffled oar
Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,
Just as the moon rose over the bay,
Where swinging wide at her moorings lay
The Somerset, British man-of-war;
A phantom ship, with each mast and spar
Across the moon like a prison bar,
And a huge black hulk, that was magnified
By its own reflection in the tide.

Meanwhile, his friend through alley and street
Wanders and watches, with eager ears,
Till in the silence around him he hears
The muster of men at the barrack door,
The sound of arms, and the tramp of feet,
And the measured tread of the grenadiers,
Marching down to their boats on the shore.

Then he climbed the tower of the Old North Church,
By the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,
To the belfry chamber overhead,
And startled the pigeons from their perch
On the sombre rafters, that round him made
Masses and moving shapes of shade,--
By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,
To the highest window in the wall,
Where he paused to listen and look down
A moment on the roofs of the town
And the moonlight flowing over all.

Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead,
In their night encampment on the hill,
Wrapped in silence so deep and still
That he could hear, like a sentinel's tread,
The watchful night-wind, as it went
Creeping along from tent to tent,
And seeming to whisper, "All is well!"
A moment only he feels the spell
Of the place and the hour, and the secret dread
Of the lonely belfry and the dead;
For suddenly all his thoughts are bent
On a shadowy something far away,
Where the river widens to meet the bay,--
A line of black that bends and floats
On the rising tide like a bridge of boats.

Meanwhile, impatient to mount and ride,
Booted and spurred, with a heavy stride
On the opposite shore walked Paul Revere.
Now he patted his horse's side,
Now he gazed at the landscape far and near,
Then, impetuous, stamped the earth,
And turned and tightened his saddle girth;
But mostly he watched with eager search
The belfry tower of the Old North Church,
As it rose above the graves on the hill,
Lonely and spectral and sombre and still.
And lo! as he looks, on the belfry's height
A glimmer, and then a gleam of light!
He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns,
But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight
A second lamp in the belfry burns.

A hurry of hoofs in a village street,
A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,
And beneath, from the pebbles, in passing, a spark
Struck out by a steed flying fearless and fleet;
That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light,
The fate of a nation was riding that night;
And the spark struck out by that steed, in his flight,
Kindled the land into flame with its heat.
He has left the village and mounted the steep,
And beneath him, tranquil and broad and deep,
Is the Mystic, meeting the ocean tides;
And under the alders that skirt its edge,
Now soft on the sand, now loud on the ledge,
Is heard the tramp of his steed as he rides.

It was twelve by the village clock
When he crossed the bridge into Medford town.
He heard the crowing of the cock,
And the barking of the farmer's dog,
And felt the damp of the river fog,
That rises after the sun goes down.

It was one by the village clock,
When he galloped into Lexington.
He saw the gilded weathercock
Swim in the moonlight as he passed,
And the meeting-house windows, black and bare,
Gaze at him with a spectral glare,
As if they already stood aghast
At the bloody work they would look upon.

It was two by the village clock,
When he came to the bridge in Concord town.
He heard the bleating of the flock,
And the twitter of birds among the trees,
And felt the breath of the morning breeze
Blowing over the meadow brown.
And one was safe and asleep in his bed
Who at the bridge would be first to fall,
Who that day would be lying dead,
Pierced by a British musket ball.

You know the rest. In the books you have read
How the British Regulars fired and fled,---
How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
>From behind each fence and farmyard wall,
Chasing the redcoats down the lane,
Then crossing the fields to emerge again
Under the trees at the turn of the road,

And only pausing to fire and load.
So through the night rode Paul Revere;
And so through the night went his cry of alarm
To every Middlesex village and farm,---
A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
And a word that shall echo for evermore!
For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
Through all our history, to the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
The people will waken and listen to hear
The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Declaration of Independence

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Would you sign it? 
Sign it below...

Friday, June 21, 2013

About the First of June

What I like, come ‘bout the first of June,
I’ll tell you this, it n’ver comes too soon!

When the birds are flying, upon the sky,
And along with them my heart soars high.

A heat that comes with a summer’s day,
A heat like you’ll never feel in May.

The long stem roses that reach up high,
You’d almost think, they’d touch the sky.

The grass that covers the graveyards in town,
And covers those that fill the ground.

As I remember those buried there,
And all their Junes, and how they cared.

The bugs are many, as they buzz about,
Some buzz too low and feed the trout.

The trees are green, with leaves anew,
Filled with birds and there families too.

The fire flies come out as evenin’ nears,
Yes, the beauty of June, I’m moved to tears.

For on the rise we fine the moon,
And it’s glow will fill the night of June.

And the lazy days will come to me,
And find me down upon my knees.

Giving thanks to God, I’m wise and smart,
I’m no longer young, but young at heart.

Along the beaches where the seagulls play,
I fine myself wadding this fine June day.
As the earth cools, as evening grows,
Nectar in the flowers begins to flow.

I think of a girl I use to know,
And how in June she use to glow.

As evening closes on this fine June day,
I almost forget, I’m made of clay.

As the young girls, like flowers bloom,
These are the things I like, come the first of June,
And I’ll tell you this, it n’ver comes too soon.

George Henry Nichols 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Irena Sendler

Irena Sendler
Died: May 12, 2008 (aged 98)
Warsaw, Poland

During WWII, Irena got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist.
She had an ulterior motive.
Irena smuggled Jewish infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried.
She also carried a burlap sack in the back of her truck, for larger kids.
Irena kept a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto.
The soldiers, of course, wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.
During her time of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants.
Ultimately, she was caught, however, and the Nazi's broke both of her legs and arms and beat her severely.
Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she had smuggled out,
In a glass jar that she buried under a tree in her back yard.
After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived and tried to reunite the family.
Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted.
In 2007 Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize. She was not selected.
Al Gore won, for a slide show on Global Warming
Later another politician,
Barack Obama, won for his ? extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.? What that gobbledygook means is anybodys guess.
I'm doing my small part by forwarding this message.
I hope you'll consider doing the same.
It is now more than 65 years since the Second World War in Europe ended.
This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain,
In memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests
Who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated!
Now, more than ever, with Iran , and others, claiming the HOLOCAUST to be 'a myth', It's imperative to make sure the world never forgets,
Because there are others who would like to do it again.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Intelligent design (?)

Let us consider… “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth.”

As the story goes, God created Man in his image, and put him in a garden. The garden of Eden… With the sin of man, death was brought into the world… and man was driven from the garden…

Now… where was he driven too…?  onto the rest of the land mass…? what ever wasn’t Eden…?

Now if you consider the story, God created a perfect world.  What would be a perfect world be?

Let us consider what we see now, consider what we know about physics, and what we know (facts) about the rock record and what we know about intelligent design… and venture into what could be…

Now if you were going to set up a nice aquarium, you would set it up right, so that it functioned as you desired.

I am beginning to get a picture that tells me the pre-flood earth was quite different than today… A perfect world??? There would be no hurricanes, no earthquakes, no floods, no blizzards, no droughts, and no man eating animals…  That’s a tall order to fill.

Now it was about 2000 years from the time of creation to the time of the flood (Noah).  Interesting fact, man lived on average for six hundred years. After the flood, the life-span of man has dropped off sharply and is now under a hundred years… What could have been so different?

God also gave Noah the rainbow as a sign he would never destroy the world with water again, as though, the rainbow was something new. Baptist will tell ya, “There was no rainbows before the flood in the sky.” You ask them to explain that, and they can’t. But damn if their kids didn’t go to school and figure it out… Sure Enough, Noah was the first man to see a rainbow in the sky… 

Let us not put a limit on God, and kept in mind, chaos bigots’ chaos. Intelligence brings design… What we see, is not the way the earth was designed.

I believe when the earth was created, it was basically a perfect terrarium, complete with a canopy and watering system.

I’m seeing a crystal clear ice canopy… we were in a bubble of ice, held in place by a much stronger magnetic field.  This turned the earth as a whole into a terrarium. So the temperatures on the surface would be quite moderate and constant. 

I think the earth itself was pretty much just that, earth. As the story of creation goes, with maybe several small seas…

The inner core powers the planet. I’ll come back to this, on this spinning liquid core, a crust formed (basically the basalt rock) because it was being cooled, and the heat dissipated throughout a layer of water… an underground sea…Above the layer of water was a layer of granite, this crust (keep in mind the idea of design) stood on granite pillars.

Now don’t picture the pillars in Greece… Think about it. It was by design… The pillars were the walls of reservoirs and giant pumps (vanes). That is to say, as the earth spun, the water was pushed to the surface at the head of the rivers and ran down and was collected at the foot of the rivers, creating fountains, lakes and seas along the way, watering the surface continually. It was a terrarium. It was perfect.

It was lush; the green planet… The great Dragons roamed the earth, but did not bother with man. All were vegetarian… because the food was thick and water plentiful. There was no fear between man and animal… There were no man eating animals…

The canopy, as a bubble would have pressurized the atmosphere, causing a higher overall pressure with a much higher concentration of oxygen…. The canopy would also filter out all harmful radiation. Man may have grown to be giants. The fossil record shows a time when oxygen levels where as high as 35%. We have also uncovered the bones of people who where ten feet tall. You may very well have lived to be six to nine hundred years old…

God wasn’t playing hide and seek with Adam… the treasures were all laid out before him. It was made for him… The gold, the silver, the variety of rocks and ore…. Wood… all laid out before Adam… It could have been a single ruby, or sapphire or emerald, the size of a small mountain There it was… He need only to put it to use… A kid, with an Erector Set you might say… Up until sin entered the world (through man), God and man were buddies…

Think about your aquarium. God would not have given Adam this fractured piece of junk we look at today. But man had evil in his heart…

Think about it… We scream about intelligent design. Duhhh… Look at it, and think about it…

God drove Man from the Garden of Eden, not from the planet. (The Garden of Eden was a literal place where Man could sit in God’s presents. It was God’s dwelling place on earth.)  But the rest of the planet, the terrarium, continued to work fine.

The tragedy was losing the presents of God, but Adam was driven into a paradise… His kids were spoilt; hell…they killed each other…  

Working from, the fall of man… Things were pretty good… Lots of food, it was comfortable, lot of things to do, lot of things to work with, lot of things to fight over…

I have a feeling they built quite a culture, having forgot all about God… It came easy. They had a pretty good idea how it worked, Adam told them all he knew, and hell, he was buddies with God, and he was around a long time to teach and tell his stories.

I contend they had no oil and no coal. How did they power this great culture? Electricity. They were using the spin of the earth by using the flow of the waters…Production enhance by the stronger magnetic field.  Electricity drove everything, and mankind was living high on the hog in a terrarium given to them by God, whom they had forgotten…

Don’t forget, these are modern men, just like us, (but also keep in mind, they may have every well lived in an environment where oxygen levels were around 35% and with near double the air pressure, fellow could get pretty big, and be pretty smart),  doing the same things as us… I’m sure there were great empires built, and wars fought and rich people and poor people and free and slave…. And just like today, some of them consolidated much power and began to think themselves gods… So the struggles were between the great gods???

Remember, everyone came from Noah and his bunch.  If this is true, not only would these people tell the story of the flood, they would tell the story, as they saw it, of what was going on prior to the flood.

I say rethink your mythologies, they may be based in truth… as the stories came down, each to each, from their point of view. These stories of gods and dragons and sex and debauchery may not be myth, but remnants of the culture prior to the flood. And every rooted culture around the world starts with a story of the flood. 

There also seems to be a universal aura of a great lost culture…that fell into the sea….. The Golden Age.... Well duhhh… The story is vague, but persist… Much like the flood… Could the two legends be related? Generation after generation... 

It fell into the sea alright… Don’t forget, there were witnesses, those few who came across on the ark. And… They talked, you bet, and everyone in the world knew their stories for I’d say at least two-hundred years… and gradually it became hearsay… Twisted to fit the times and cultures, but the over-all themes persist… and haunt us to this day… It’s because it’s all true… There was a great culture (by our standards) and yes, it fell into the sea, so to speak.

So, we got this perfect little terrarium going here full of evil little people of which God’s ‘bout fed up with…

So... he finds this fellow Noah, you know the story and tells him to build a boat (Ark)…

I want to back track a little and bring in another element…which can’t be over looked. The sky… A marvel to behold, but isn’t truly visible except by telescope, and then Wow… I use to ponder the question, “Why would God make such a wonderful sky, and then put it so distance as not to be seen at all in detail without a telescope?” Why would the stained glass windows be so far away?

I contend the sky, the whole of it, was much smaller and much closer. That Adam and Eve saw it all… The moon, right there, huge, as we dream of it in our art. They could see the bands of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn and Neptune.    The Milky-Way must have been like a flame in the sky. They could see all the clouds of dust, each its own color… They could see the spinning galaxies and their spiral arms glistening in the night sky…  Before the flood, it wasn’t very dark at night, the sun just wasn’t up. Why would God, who was man’s buddy, leave man without a night light, least he stumble. God even says he gave man a night light…. With the moon to rule over it.  No… it wasn’t very dark at night…

I lean heavily on Dr. Humphrey’s model of the universe, which he says, is based on known numbers alone, no conjecture, and has passed peer review… Very interesting model it is…

Have a look

Based on Dr. Humphrey’s model… We have this wonderful paradise, which God made, just a perking away…. And the workers run amuck… they think the garden belongs to them… They are gods…

God, who is fed up with this bunch, throws a rock, a little rock, no bigger than Texas… it comes through the canopy, knocking a huge hole in it and then striking the granite surface, shattering it along with the basalt foundation. Nothing moved; gravity held it together… So nobody noticed….except it began to rain, over the whole earth, as the canopy came apart and fell though a warm atmosphere, it melted and it rained and it rained and it rained, for forty days it rained. When Noah and the ark were safely afloat a hydraulic cushion, God stretched out the universe, perhaps near its size today, suddenly….

This ripple in the fabric of space, opened up the cracks from the fracture suffered just weeks earlier… and a piece, a big piece of the undersea floor dropped into the mantle, along with most everything above it. And the water runs to this low…the mantle, where it meets the water cools suddenly and begins to solidify creating a new sea floor, and because its hot and less dense, it begins to rise, pushing all the water (to include now the canopy) up and away. The massive currents and expanding space cause the cracks to start working against each other, washing out the pillars, the network of channels and reservoirs that made the earth a pump, and the granite foundations collapse and another chunk of the sea floor drops.

Massive areas of the earth just drop away into the mantle and is replaced with sea floor. The process is causing currents which cannot be described, capable of Grinding many of the fractures into mountain ranges and carrying billions of cubic miles of debris thousands of miles, turning the surface over and washing it clean, and in the process, spreading and hiding all the gifts given to Adam, gold, silver ect… this to include the night sky.

When Noah’s family came out of the ark, the earth was all together different. The canopy was gone, much of the air was gone, the watering system was replaced with a rain cycle, soon the poles where frozen nearly a third of the way to the equator and the air cold… There was nothing to eat.

One of the gifts taken from man was his relationship with animals. In order for man to survive now, in this barren wasteland, was if he ate the animals, and thus, God struck fear into the hearts of the beast. For the first time, the animals ate each other, in order to survive… 

Two thirds of the land was gone and had been replaced with great oceans, left undrinkable from the cleansing… God’s gift of water was reduced greatly…

The land masses which remained were shattered and scattered, and were being pulled apart as the earth attempted to come back into balance, as equilibrium was restored (as best as could be), the process slowed and the plate edges settled, and the whole of it, began to harden in place…Leaving the rock record we have today.

I’ll tell you something else…. I think the oil and coal deposits are the graves of that pre-flood culture and world… They powered their world with God’s genus (whom they had forgotten) and fittingly enough, through our burnt offerings of their arrogance (coal, oil & gas) we power ours…  (Yes, I think we are suppose to burn it to power our world, I think  it’s just what God had in mind for the pre-flood world of debauchery)

The whole of it much more mystic than you ever thought..?

Everything I have laid out above, is disputed by every theory presented, but as facts go…. What I say emerges, because the history has been written…

You’d better rethink, “In the beginning God Created the Heavens and the earth.” And your American Ideal…

George Henry Nichols 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Where are your Roots...?

So… If you have subtly bought into the Evolution and deep time theory, then, as an American, you are lost? Why? Because your roots, (evolution and deep time) is telling you, ‘it’s top dawg...’ Survival of the fittest, where the law becomes a hunting ground… and Money becomes the kill…

It’s a place where there is no moral authority, because man is god… He is the top of the food chain…. What man says…goes…. After all, I have evolved, I understand, I am enlightened, and these thoughts of an almighty god are of a dead and primitive man…                        

A place where there is no beginning and there is no end, only life and death… A brief window into what appears to be a huge meaningless dust bunny, and then a step back into the great darkness…  


A place where a woman is no more than a moment’s pleasure, to be used at her expense, eaten like a succulent fruit, and discarded like the rind…              


Really??? Is this what you’re thinking??? This is what they’re telling you… This is what they’re teaching… Therefore, nothing is greater than the state…

A place where ‘the present,’ (not life) is to be lived to the fullest, with little thought of the passed and no thought of the future… Where the dead know nothing…and I know everything…                                  

 Evolution is telling you death begot life… (How can that be?)


Is this what you’re thinking? (It’s all a big lie… All of it… Do you realize they don’t have one creditable shred of evidence… Not one…)

If this is what you’re thinking… Than you are not an American...

America is a place… But to be an American, is to understand and embrace ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and… on that authority alone, I have as much right to be here as you!’

George Henry Nichols

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Yes, You're on Your Own

This is a follow up on “The Individual alone is accountable.’

Otherwise you’re on your own…

And that’s what it meant. And if you Starved to death, well too bad about you… The country was yours… with nobody telling you nothing,,, It was up to you… This is why the people came here…. along with a promise to be treated fairly under the law… “In God we Trust.”

I want you to know starvation has never been part of the American experience… There are a few stories, but they were few and far between. Now we went hungry and had lean times, but we didn’t starve…

We never ran around naked; never in our history did we fail to clothes the naked…

Never were the American people at a lack of information. Information flowed freely, by whatever means were available at the times.

Keep in mind the rules… You can’t be stealing from each other…

If you can’t steal from me, then by default, I have the right to possess. I am my own kingdom… I am sovereign. This is the very foundation of capitalism… Thou shall not steal. What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours… and that’s the way it is. Regardless of what that is? That’s the way it is.

 Now, what is the first test of ownership? The ability to sell it or trade it at will. 

Get it… At will… “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. This touches on the second commandment, please refer to my paper    You shall not take the name of your Lord thy God in vain.

Now… With all men equal under the law…???... This had a profound effect… Because the highest ranking person in the country was the Patriarch… The head of the family… Each man was sovereign…  This was in recognition of the first commandment….

Please refer to my paper on the first commandment…

For under the God, on which we base our law, under this God alone, you are sovereign.  

And the commandment, Honor thy father and thy mother… Establishing the family (woman) as the foundation of the culture

Now, are you beginning to see, the American philosophy, the American Ideals are rooted in logic, in truth… That’s why they worked… They have a foundation, they stand on bedrock… Something on which any man could build. In one word, ‘Freedom…’ as defined not by man, but by God… An unshakable definition in the contract with the people, government administers to the Law, but is not the Law… The Law is above man… 

The second test of ownership, are you willing to defend it…

Do you really own something if you’re not willing to claim it, record it and defend it? Who do you trust to insure this ownership? The power of government lies in the hands of the people, because the people are the government… And if this not be the case? The people have the right to correct it. All men are equal under the law. Not under the majority, under the law. Including ministers of the law. Thus you have the right, without question… to own and bear arms…  Because your security is your business… Do you know who’s watching the wall? Really..? Never give up your guns, God gave you those guns…. Make good use of them…

You can’t be murdering each other… But… It is not government’s role to protect you… It is government’s role to hold the murderer accountable. You murder somebody, we murder you back… Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth… Who is government? You… You deal with problems locally… You hunted him down…You hung him…. In your courts… and you recorded it…

But what about mistakes???

What about them? “In God we trust.” We are who we are… Liberty is dangerous… Nobody ever points that outs… Remember… True liberty, is the willingness to die for it. If you are not willing to die for your freedom, than you are by default slaves.  “Give me liberty, or give me death…”

Liberty is dangerous… You have to be willing to defend what’s yours… If every man defends what’s his… than every man is defended. So goes the country…. This is what brought us peace within our boarders…

You can’t be fucking our wives and raping ours daughters. The woman is the building block of family and community… She is a man’s prize, pride and inspiration. She is kingdom… She is what we defend. Why? Because she is a gift from God to man… She is worth defending.

…    Please refer to my paper ‘Girls = Liberty.’

Lie at your own risk… The very bedrock of the American Judicial Ideal is, “You shall not bear false witness,” for “In God we trust.” Without this central idea… Without God as foundation of law…Justice can not be found… Truth above all else, should prevail… And if you be caught lying..? Well… Justice delayed is justice denied.

Don’t hustle a buck a Sunday… Don’t be anal about it… Just don’t hustle a buck on a Sunday… We used to close down on Sunday in honor of God, “In God we Trust” who is the foundation of American freedom… A day when the whole country can take a breath… and each kingdom say… “Lord, grant me another week.” And from Sunday to Sunday we lived and built a nation… Don’t hustle a buck on a Sunday… 

Don’t be pissin’ & moanin’ ‘bout what the other fellow has…(This is the very bedrock of happiness, if you can find this place, it means you have come to terms with who and what you are, and you are satisfied and pleased with what God has done and is doing for you in your life). The Pursuit of Happiness… Liberty.

So… Indeed in this country you are on your own, and food, sleep and sex are your responsibility, and in return… you were sovereign.

So you see the American Ideal is rooted in “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…”   This God is the authority behind our law, the foundation of our traditions. We are a representative republic, not a democracy.  This is a fact no one is willing to admit to today… and I wonder why? For “In God we trust.”

If you believe in the lie of Evolution and deep time, then you have none of the above. You are not an American…

George Henry Nichols