What am I suppose to say… I write, I tell you… And it continues
to crumble around you. It’s ‘Revenge of
the Innocence…’ Mark my words…
This has nothing to do with politics… This has to do with right
and wrong… My mother always said, “The path to hell is paved with good intentions,” and damn if she ain’t right… I
am so tied of good intentions and do gooders, I could urp!
It’s even in the Churches, political correctness has crippled
the truth, you get a fiery good sermon, but mediocrity is the rule, ascetics
and political correctness the practice.
To think the universe just is… Is like thinking you’re never
going to die. It just ain’t so. Your reasoning is, “because time is in the
universe, it itself is somehow timeless…” But the math points to a beginning
and an end.” It’s everywhere… There is a chemical breakdown going on throughout
the universe, one that can not be reversed or regenerated, as a result, the
universe is like a candle, and will one day burn itself out. Poof! With no way
of recovering the wax… It all went up in flames. And there will be eternal
darkness and cold. No way around it. That’s what the math says. Now they
theorize, pontificate and on and on about what they think… and they stick
in numbers and give you theories, for they are educated, and they know the
numbers, the real ones, and the ones they
made up…. or …’do they?’ The way things are made, “if it’s true here, than
it’s true there.’ That is to say, if ‘2+2=4 than 4-2=2… ‘If it’s true there,
than it’s true here.’ In other words, ‘a cold dark universe lies ahead.’
Now if we stick the biblical story into it. Adam sinned, and
brought death into the world… And that’s what it meant, ‘into the world.’ Not only was Adam going to die, but the whole of
it…(the universe) was going to die. Believe it or not, that’s what’s going on…
That’s what we’re seeing. That’s what the math says.
Consider a fire in the backyard. You’ve got downed tree limbs,
cutting from bushes, a pile of died out zinnias from the summer flower bed, and
you have a nice little fire, and feed the flames one stick at a time. Soon, all
that big pile is ‘gone!’ Where did it go? Up in flames… You have reduced that
big pile to a tiny heap of ashes, and in time, that heap of ashes will be
ambient temperature.
What do you think the sun is doing..? If it’s true here, than
it’s true there. ‘From ashes thou art…to ashes thou shall
But what about the life cycle? What about it? We have now broken
the DNA code, and what have we
learned? There is no evolution, there is instead deterioration, the code is
slowly but surely breaking down. Poof!
Myths… funny thing about myths… There’re suppose to be made up? That
is to say… not true… But there is a saying, ‘truth will stand the test of time.’
Greek Mythology…? “It’s mythology.” Then they find the city of Troy , and the story appears to be true. They
find the site of Sodom
and Gomorrah, and then Jericho ;
they have found the site of the Red Sea
crossing, complete with chariots, ect… So
what’s true and what’s not? What about Atlantis? There’s a myth… comes out of the
Greek mythology, Homer, Plato…
Then we have the myths of the dragons… Everybody’s got a dragon
story, damn dragons are everywhere… Alexander the Great, Marco Polo, St George, who slay the dragon..? Myth?
‘There is nothing stranger than truth.’ How many times have you
heard this? That’s because it’s true…
No single man can know or imagine the truth, so when a small bit of truth is
revealed, it’s stranger than anything we thought.
Therefore the truly great stories are based on truth, because
there is nothing more compelling than the truth… “Truth will stand the test of
The flood of Noah’s day… Every ancient culture around the world
starts at the end of a great flood, of which only they survived. Myth? Really?
Every major culture? I believe the Chinese calendar may have begun at the end
of the flood. If you take an honest
look at the geological record, it screams global flood, a flood right around
the beginning of the Chinese calendar.
Prier to the flood, the world was a whole different place… How
different? I don’t know… But I do know, eight
people spanned that flood in a boat… Those eight people saw it all… Those eight
people were full blown adults when the flood occurred… Noah was the last strand
of the true God handed down by Adam… Satan controlled man now, and corruption
was consuming them…
Now let us consider; those eight people told their stories of
the world prier to the flood, where they had spent their childhood and much of
their lives. This I offer is ‘The Golden Age,’ and it was consumed by the sea… and so it was, right before their eyes, just
like the stories say… and no one survived, save those few souls who told the
story. The Golden Age is what God destroyed…
A utopia, under Satan’s rule.
There is an old B movie called ‘Logan ’s Run.’ Not really well done, terrible
scrip, but it had a pretty girl in it and so I sat through it. That movie,
through all these years has stuck with me.
Basically, it’s the story of a group of people who live inside a
huge machine which provides for them. Makes them, grows them up… and then kills
them. The cycle of life as seen by a computer… During the time you’re young
adults, you can be and do anything you want, (except be a child or be old) when
your time is up, your time is up. You’re dead. If you didn’t jump to your death
like you’re suppose to, then ‘Logan ’ hunts you down like a dawg and kills
you on behalf of the computer. They made the world (as it was) look all
hunky-dory, but void of any meaning, absent any purpose.. Well along comes ‘Logan ’s’ turn to die… So he runs… and the
hunter is being hunted… Well to make a long story short, he cracks the whole
machine open and wa-la everyone is free with the discovery of a whole big world
outside, how wonderful. (?) or so I thought… In the years since, I have watched
you build just such a machine… Return to the Golden Age… Free of responsibility
and free to be a jerk… Among the elite anyway.
Want to know what happened to the Golden Age? It’s the gas you put in your
car, the oil you put in your engine, the plastics you wrap your food with… the
coal you heat your home with and use to generate your lights… The diesel which
plows our fields and brings our goods to market… This the world that was…
Satan wants you to long for the Golden Age; but he doesn’t want you burning
the oil and coal, least you figure out where it came from… The more you
study it, the more will be revealed… “The truth is stranger than fiction.” And
all the while, the rebuilding of The Golden Age continues… at a fervor pace.
Satan has you by the balls people… as the new Golden Age rises. I not only
speak to America ,
but to Russia ,
U.K. Ukraine, Japan ,
and to anyone who read these words, Christ is your only hope. He was in the
beginning, and he is now, and so it was, and so it shall be.
George Henry Nichols