
Friday, April 5, 2013

The American Ideal

Now, if you’ve been following, then you are aware Science is telling us… the Bible is correct…. The whole of it (the universe), is no more than six-thousand years old. Most likely the Chinese calendar started near the end of the flood.  (?)

So…. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” You know, this is how the bible starts out. The bible…. It’s a history of the Hebrew people… The interesting thing about this history is the presents of this God.
A consistent God, a God who’s command is absolute, and the earth obeys his will. We do not… But the earth does… This history, this 1500 year history, on its face, is not possible, without the presents of this God… Now… I know they’re dead… they’ll all dead. They been dead awhile…. But does that make what they said, what they witnessed, untrue…?  

Our fore-fathers, who are also dead, believed this God, the God of the bible…indeed… is God… They believed that. Therefore what this God taught was valid, and brought into their reasoning… Their logic, their sense of justice, their idea of individual sovereignty stems from….

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” This was a root, a foundation on which to build. Something you could be sure of, something you could believe in… And through obedience of the first commandment, “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shall have no other Gods before me), you are granted authority.

Think about this… The very fact that you know this, (on the level of belief) gives you much freedom, because now you can deal with the earth on terms. No worry of false Gods…. The earth had a beginning and will have an end…. God’s in charge, I don’t need to worry about global warming, or meteors…  I don’t need to worry about water, energy deposits, or food supplies, or clothing, God drowned all the animals, as well as the human race with the flood of Noah’s day. I have no need to worry over a darter nail. I don’t have to let the wolves eat my herd. I don’t have to let the oil and coal sit in the ground, God gave it to me… to do with as I will

It also gives you a place to start…

To build a culture, a country, a nation… Our fore-father’s built, based on what they believed, would be a country rooted in the ten commandments.

But??? Pretty much only that….acknowledging God, who gave them to us… They didn’t agree on much pass that… But they did agree on the Ten Commandments, because obedience to these commandments, led’s to liberty, and these men believed this.

Please refer o to my paper, “What is Liberty?”

Our constitution comes out of this foundation… “The individual alone is accountable to God…”  If you are an American…. This is what you believe. This is what makes you sovereign… This is the authority you call upon…. “In God we trust.” This is the flag you fly.  So when you start yapping about your rights…  Think about who you’re yapping to…

and What you believe…  

George Henry Nichols… 

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