
Saturday, September 7, 2024

An essay by Bill Brugman


Christianity is built upon a mountain of solid rock. Christian philosophers, historians, and scientists are the clearest thinkers I have ever encountered.

C.S. Lewis is one of them. He was a WW l infantry vet who fought in the trenches as an atheist. He was a medieval history and literature scholar, a philosopher and a professor at Cambridge. He was a prolific author. He became a Christian because he couldn’t avoid the truth, according to him. He broadcast messages over the radio to Londoners during the blitz that were edited and became one of his most famous books, Mere Christianity. He also wrote Miracles, The Problem of Pain, The Weight of Glory and the Screwtape Letters. He wrote the Chronicles of Narnia for children. I have never found a reasoned retort to his stance on Jesus Christ. I have seen angry, cynical posts on the internet but I would compare them to throwing sand against a granite boulder.

C.S. Lewis affected my life. He made a statement that I have never forgot and which I always remember when trying to understand the world today. He said: “I believe in Christianity like I believe in the sun, not only because I can see it but by its light I can see everything else.”

On that note here is what that light exposes about liberalism. They refuse to confront evil and actually deny its existence. They wind up condonng and promoting it. Evil is the scourge of human civilization and because evil will flourish under a liberal system of anything, liberals are a danger to all of us.

Their views on religion can be summed up with one statement. Liberals are diametrically opposed to traditional Christianity, the religion of C.S. Lewis, the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

This is the Christianity that includes the doctrine of the goodness of God corrupted by the evil influence of Satan, a spiritual being of great power, who will be judged and punished at the resurrection when all humans living and dead will be judged for their deeds and will receive just rewards. The doctrine of evil as a real power in the universe is the doctrine liberals cannot stomach. Many claim to be Christians but if you dig a little deeper you will discover universalism, Christ as a wise and good man, etc. etc. Liberals hate the concept of evil because they hate the concept of judgment.

They despise these concepts because by accepting them they are placing themselves in the position of being accountable to a moral code above and beyond them. Liberals want to establish the codes of conduct of themselves and others. This desire permeates their views on everything that matters in this world. Therefore they embrace any religion other than traditional Christianity because all others allow self-righteousness.

Islam is a special problem for liberals. Islam worships Allah, the biblical name for Satan in the Book of Isaiah. Islam is an evil cult spawned by Satan through a tribal, pedophilic, violent, moon worshipping Arab chieftain. The light of Christianity clearly exposes Islam. It is tough to deny evil in the face of beheadings, corporal amputation, suicide bombing, rapes, pedophilia, mass executions and the desire for world domination under Sharia law. But liberals do. It is here that the mental gymnastics really become circus like.

They draw a moral equivalency between Islam and ghetto behavior and blame the evil of Islam on poverty or lack of education or the need for jobs or the climate or a response to corporate imperialism or anything but what it is, evil. And they do this as if they have already convinced us these are the root causes of ghetto behavior, which is another subject altogether.

By denying the evil of Islam they have hit a home run in the evil denying game. The denial of other sorts of evil, like ghetto behavior, the passive paganism of new age religion, the sexual perversion of homosexuality or human sacrifice in the form of abortion become child’s play. If the evil of Islam can be sloughed off, nothing is impossible. Right is wrong. Good is evil. Man is supreme. The State is supreme. The environment is supreme. Animals have the same value as humans. Human babies have no value at all. God is a children’s story. Anything goes. If it feels good it's right. Emotion trumps commitment. Courage is coming out as a pervert, not sacrificing one’s life for another.

Liberalism is a cancer. God damned it in the book of Judges 3000 years ago and I damn it in the light of Christ today. If that makes me a pariah I will die a pariah.

Bill Brugman

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