
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Yes, You're on Your Own

This is a follow up on “The Individual alone is accountable.’

Otherwise you’re on your own…

And that’s what it meant. And if you Starved to death, well too bad about you… The country was yours… with nobody telling you nothing,,, It was up to you… This is why the people came here…. along with a promise to be treated fairly under the law… “In God we Trust.”

I want you to know starvation has never been part of the American experience… There are a few stories, but they were few and far between. Now we went hungry and had lean times, but we didn’t starve…

We never ran around naked; never in our history did we fail to clothes the naked…

Never were the American people at a lack of information. Information flowed freely, by whatever means were available at the times.

Keep in mind the rules… You can’t be stealing from each other…

If you can’t steal from me, then by default, I have the right to possess. I am my own kingdom… I am sovereign. This is the very foundation of capitalism… Thou shall not steal. What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours… and that’s the way it is. Regardless of what that is? That’s the way it is.

 Now, what is the first test of ownership? The ability to sell it or trade it at will. 

Get it… At will… “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. This touches on the second commandment, please refer to my paper    You shall not take the name of your Lord thy God in vain.

Now… With all men equal under the law…???... This had a profound effect… Because the highest ranking person in the country was the Patriarch… The head of the family… Each man was sovereign…  This was in recognition of the first commandment….

Please refer to my paper on the first commandment…

For under the God, on which we base our law, under this God alone, you are sovereign.  

And the commandment, Honor thy father and thy mother… Establishing the family (woman) as the foundation of the culture

Now, are you beginning to see, the American philosophy, the American Ideals are rooted in logic, in truth… That’s why they worked… They have a foundation, they stand on bedrock… Something on which any man could build. In one word, ‘Freedom…’ as defined not by man, but by God… An unshakable definition in the contract with the people, government administers to the Law, but is not the Law… The Law is above man… 

The second test of ownership, are you willing to defend it…

Do you really own something if you’re not willing to claim it, record it and defend it? Who do you trust to insure this ownership? The power of government lies in the hands of the people, because the people are the government… And if this not be the case? The people have the right to correct it. All men are equal under the law. Not under the majority, under the law. Including ministers of the law. Thus you have the right, without question… to own and bear arms…  Because your security is your business… Do you know who’s watching the wall? Really..? Never give up your guns, God gave you those guns…. Make good use of them…

You can’t be murdering each other… But… It is not government’s role to protect you… It is government’s role to hold the murderer accountable. You murder somebody, we murder you back… Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth… Who is government? You… You deal with problems locally… You hunted him down…You hung him…. In your courts… and you recorded it…

But what about mistakes???

What about them? “In God we trust.” We are who we are… Liberty is dangerous… Nobody ever points that outs… Remember… True liberty, is the willingness to die for it. If you are not willing to die for your freedom, than you are by default slaves.  “Give me liberty, or give me death…”

Liberty is dangerous… You have to be willing to defend what’s yours… If every man defends what’s his… than every man is defended. So goes the country…. This is what brought us peace within our boarders…

You can’t be fucking our wives and raping ours daughters. The woman is the building block of family and community… She is a man’s prize, pride and inspiration. She is kingdom… She is what we defend. Why? Because she is a gift from God to man… She is worth defending.

…    Please refer to my paper ‘Girls = Liberty.’

Lie at your own risk… The very bedrock of the American Judicial Ideal is, “You shall not bear false witness,” for “In God we trust.” Without this central idea… Without God as foundation of law…Justice can not be found… Truth above all else, should prevail… And if you be caught lying..? Well… Justice delayed is justice denied.

Don’t hustle a buck a Sunday… Don’t be anal about it… Just don’t hustle a buck on a Sunday… We used to close down on Sunday in honor of God, “In God we Trust” who is the foundation of American freedom… A day when the whole country can take a breath… and each kingdom say… “Lord, grant me another week.” And from Sunday to Sunday we lived and built a nation… Don’t hustle a buck on a Sunday… 

Don’t be pissin’ & moanin’ ‘bout what the other fellow has…(This is the very bedrock of happiness, if you can find this place, it means you have come to terms with who and what you are, and you are satisfied and pleased with what God has done and is doing for you in your life). The Pursuit of Happiness… Liberty.

So… Indeed in this country you are on your own, and food, sleep and sex are your responsibility, and in return… you were sovereign.

So you see the American Ideal is rooted in “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…”   This God is the authority behind our law, the foundation of our traditions. We are a representative republic, not a democracy.  This is a fact no one is willing to admit to today… and I wonder why? For “In God we trust.”

If you believe in the lie of Evolution and deep time, then you have none of the above. You are not an American…

George Henry Nichols

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hey from Charlotte!

From the collection, 'Letters to Jo Ann.' 

Hey from Charlotte!
Man I glad to be back down in the south where they call 40 degrees cold! I ask them in Maine why they bothered with the zero when it got so much colder than that, they said, “Zero defines the seasons, in the summer it’s above zero, in the winter, it ain’t.” Up in Maine I spit 0n the ground and instead of splat! I got plink, plink, dink, dink, crack, shatter. It’s the only place I’ve been where you can spit in your hand and throw a rock! At least in the south the kids have to find a damn rock before they can throw it. 
It was so cold I had to put the anti-freeze in the coffee, and the engine, you just don’t dare kill it! I sneezed on the guy next to me, and they took him to the hospital for shotgun wounds. 
It was so damn cold you could get a ticket for driving drunk on the lake. Not because you were on the lake, but because you were drunk. The traffic on the lake was so heavy they had traffic signs. ‘Caution, fishing village ahead,’ and you’re miles from shore.
But the people of Maine truly are concerned about your well-being. It got to be about lunch and I was going to go dig around in the trash can for some thing to eat, but Nooooo! They saved me, on the can it said, ‘For Your Good Health, Can Picking Prohibited!’ So I went to a restaurant instead. And they have little signs everywhere, ‘Please Do Not Eat the Yellow Snow!’ Am I a lucky fellow or what, I thought it was banana flavored, but Noooo! Apparently they are saving it for posterity, and here I would have eaten it up!
I had a moose come and sniff up my butt, talk about intimidating, trying to explain to a 1200 pound moose that not only are you not a female, but oddly enough, not a moose at all, and sniffing up your butt would be, well???  Unproductive.
Man, am I glad to be back in the south where no one gives a damn if you dine out of the garbage cans and if you eat the yellow snow, now that’s funny!! Where if you drive on the lake, you use something called a boat!!! And at least in the south, the deer find you intimidating!  ©

George Henry Nichols 

Monday, April 8, 2013

“The individual alone is accountable to God…”

 “The individual alone is accountable to God…”  This is the cornerstone of the Constitution, this is the “American Ideal.”     “The individual alone is accountable to God…”  It’s a plain spoken way of saying, “You are Sovereign.”  It’s your ass… on the line…

The constitution laid out the operating rules, and governing body of just such an environment, it spells out just what the federal government can do. The American experience is not about being protected by the federal government, no… Quite the opposite. It’s more like… not having the federal government there at all. That was the wonderful thing… And no it’s not fair…But considering the foundation… It was as fair as you were ever going to get. Each man on his own. And if you rubbed the locals the wrong way… Robbing their banks, raping their women, and killing their men… They would deal with it. We were governed locally… The laws were enforced locally… Crooked or not… Locally.

Basic rules of engagement…

I can say any damn thing I want….

I can respond anyway I want to anything you say.

I can print anything I want…

I can respond anyway I want to anything you print.

I am well armed, and ready to protect what is mine… and I recognize you are as well… I can form allies and companies... and I recognize you can as well. 

Ya don’t talk bad about nobody’s mother… (That's un American...)  

Ya don’t sit around and piss and moan about how poor you are, and how rich I am…(That's un American). I am my kingdom, and you are yours…

Ya don’t hustle a buck on a Sunday… In recognition of the authority behind the law...  “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”.  (it's un American). 

Get it… We, the people fight it out… Us… We form our communities, with whom we like, with our ideas… With no federal Government to tell us anything!!! And we keep our own records… Let the cream rise to the top…

We can’t be murdering each other… Rule…

We can’t steal from each other….Rule…

Lie at your own risk…Rule…

You can’t be fucking my wife and raping my daughters….Rule….

Don't play by the rules, watch out! 

Otherwise… you’re on your own… and are of equal rank, under God.

 This is the only place were man is equal… Before God…. Otherwise, men are like the snowflakes, no two alike. Some good, some bad… But no two alike. Only by the law of God, can a man be judged… For man’s law, is what man wants… Can justice be found there..?

Please read my paper on Law…

George Henry Nichols 

Friday, April 5, 2013

The American Ideal

Now, if you’ve been following, then you are aware Science is telling us… the Bible is correct…. The whole of it (the universe), is no more than six-thousand years old. Most likely the Chinese calendar started near the end of the flood.  (?)

So…. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” You know, this is how the bible starts out. The bible…. It’s a history of the Hebrew people… The interesting thing about this history is the presents of this God.
A consistent God, a God who’s command is absolute, and the earth obeys his will. We do not… But the earth does… This history, this 1500 year history, on its face, is not possible, without the presents of this God… Now… I know they’re dead… they’ll all dead. They been dead awhile…. But does that make what they said, what they witnessed, untrue…?  

Our fore-fathers, who are also dead, believed this God, the God of the bible…indeed… is God… They believed that. Therefore what this God taught was valid, and brought into their reasoning… Their logic, their sense of justice, their idea of individual sovereignty stems from….

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” This was a root, a foundation on which to build. Something you could be sure of, something you could believe in… And through obedience of the first commandment, “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shall have no other Gods before me), you are granted authority.

Think about this… The very fact that you know this, (on the level of belief) gives you much freedom, because now you can deal with the earth on terms. No worry of false Gods…. The earth had a beginning and will have an end…. God’s in charge, I don’t need to worry about global warming, or meteors…  I don’t need to worry about water, energy deposits, or food supplies, or clothing, God drowned all the animals, as well as the human race with the flood of Noah’s day. I have no need to worry over a darter nail. I don’t have to let the wolves eat my herd. I don’t have to let the oil and coal sit in the ground, God gave it to me… to do with as I will

It also gives you a place to start…

To build a culture, a country, a nation… Our fore-father’s built, based on what they believed, would be a country rooted in the ten commandments.

But??? Pretty much only that….acknowledging God, who gave them to us… They didn’t agree on much pass that… But they did agree on the Ten Commandments, because obedience to these commandments, led’s to liberty, and these men believed this.

Please refer o to my paper, “What is Liberty?”

Our constitution comes out of this foundation… “The individual alone is accountable to God…”  If you are an American…. This is what you believe. This is what makes you sovereign… This is the authority you call upon…. “In God we trust.” This is the flag you fly.  So when you start yapping about your rights…  Think about who you’re yapping to…

and What you believe…  

George Henry Nichols…