
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Where's Your Compass?

You bunch of bleeding heart, whining, Dumb-Asses

You know I don’t understand this sometimes, There’s one fellow, maybe two, selling communism, a couple teaching Capitalism, a mess of you screaming on about liberty, a few selling god, this god, and that god, and the other god! Come on people, get a life. 

Don’t you understand these things by now!!! You all act like there is some great understanding here, some great solution, if only. Well, if I only had money? There is no great secret. I am who I am. We are who we are. 

We can’t go around saving each other, it can’t be done. We can help, we can lead, we can serve, but in the end…. That’s all we can do. They have got you sold on some kind of guilt trip that is just plain Crap!!! This guy got more than that guy… Whine!!! There’s more of them than there is of me… Whine!!! That bank charges less than my bank… Whine!!! Wal-Mart makes to much money… Whine!!! It’s all bull-shit!!! So…. what? It’s always been like that… Always… 

It's the nature of man... It's the way it was made... Life is contrast, you can't have white, if you don't have black, You can't have a medium, if you don't have a large and small, you can't have a man, if you don't have a female, you can't have beauty, if you don't have ugly , You don't have the rich, if there are no poor,and you can't have the joy of life, if you don't have the tragedy of death,  for one defined the other. It is the recognition of this truth that leads to an understanding and appreciation of life as a whole,

You have nothing to feel guilty about, unless you’ve done something sure enough. They're ten commandments, which one's have you broken? Fix it and move on.  But don’t let the TV make you feel guilty, or the radio, or the newspaper, maybe not even your preacher, depending on what he’s telling you, and you should know what he’s  suppose to be telling you. Don’t go around feeling guilty. My mother had an ole saying, 'Don't believe anything you hear and half of what you see...'  

You know what’s wrong with you people, you have forgotten your philosophy, and it’s like a compass, and here you are lost in the wood, with voices all around you, calling to you, pulling you this way and that, and here…? You don’t have a compass. Shame… Shame… Now I know a lot of you think you have a philosophy, some of them short cute phrases. Some of them quotes from this guy or that, but have you ever sat down and strung it altogether into a line of logic?  Have you ever sat down and followed the founding father's line of logic and tried to understand ,what they understood. 

I hear you quote, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, Patrick Henry even Jesus Christ, but they acted, and those who heard these inspiring words acted, they brought their words to life in the way they lived and the way they affected the world. Why? Because they believed the things they said, they understood the line of logic they espoused, the ideal of individual sovereignty. They knew how it applied to God, to their neighbor, and most important, to themselves.

Their fortunes were not the most important objective, for King George II was not asking for that much money (something like two or three cents). To them, the objective was self determination; sovereignty. ‘The right for a man to live for his own sake.’ (Ayn Rand) For only under these conditions can a man give his life to God, or not. Only under these conditions can a man reach his full potential, or not. Only under these conditions can a man choose a woman and build a family, a dynasty, a legacy, a tradition, or not. This is what made America great, this is the great tradition of who we are, not the wealth, the wealth I promise is incidental, or as my father use to say ‘ just reward for doing what is right.’ 

If you claim to be Christian, as I do. If you claim the ‘Prince of Peace,’ to be your God, remember Christ said, ‘Do not be mistaken, I have not come to sow peace, instead I have come to sow division, to set father against son, mother against daughter, nation against nation.’ Also recall that he picked up a stick and cleared the temple, I repeat, he cleared the temple. Not because he was angry, not because he was mean, but because it needed to be done. You can't have peace, if you don't have war. 

Again, this is a clarion call, stand up and do, what needs to be done. ©

George Henry Nichols

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